Skylar--I completely agree with your review of Dune 2. I was similarly disappointed despite (or because of?) all the bombast. As you note the performances aren't nuanced (aside from Rebecca Ferguson), and I found that I just didn't care that much about the characters despite all of the pounding music and lingering closeups. It all looked great, though, especially in 70mm at the Coolidge. It's a beautifully rendered film, but it lacks a certain poeticism that I found so compelling in the first film.
Skylar--I completely agree with your review of Dune 2. I was similarly disappointed despite (or because of?) all the bombast. As you note the performances aren't nuanced (aside from Rebecca Ferguson), and I found that I just didn't care that much about the characters despite all of the pounding music and lingering closeups. It all looked great, though, especially in 70mm at the Coolidge. It's a beautifully rendered film, but it lacks a certain poeticism that I found so compelling in the first film.