I appreciate your viewpoints because I get a different angle and also many chuckles when reading your reviews. I would suggest seeing a movie in a theater is a treat for my budget and so worth it with the dark space, great sound, no distractions and snacks and beverages of my choice but the need to pee is real so an in theater long movie is a difficult choice for me. An intermission with a long bathroom line is also not palatable. Watching long movies at home then becomes a self care choice. I do differ with one written word, “aspiring” within the context of film critic in that your take on films opens my perspective, inspires me to pay attention differently and causes me to pause and smile with what I had not noticed or considered. Your weekly reviews are entertaining and equally a welcomed diversion in the context of my watching, reading and listening choices.

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What a great commentary on this film and the whole "it's too long" argument that keeps many viewers away--you should try to publish this in the Boston Globe, or Washington Post (Ty Burr might be able to suggest some ways to pitch it, and to whom). Odie Henderson might also help--I can send you his email address. Or perhaps you can find another online outlet. Give it a shot!

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Thank you so much, that would be absolutely wonderful! I also have some thoughts on Saltburn that I would love to get your feedback on. I’ll follow up via email! :)

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Skylar. I'm going to make a podcast sometime this year that will involve fitness, teaching, coaching, and all the ooey gooey bits in between. And although I don't think your expertise fits into any of the those topics, I'm still going to want to interview you.

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I would be honored!

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