Thank you, I look forward to chatting more in depth when I see you next! I was wondering if Megalopolis was a film your students were able to review this semester? I can only imagine the discussion that Megalopolis would inspire.
My extremely negative Boston Globe review has gotten some pushback from my film critic brethren, who say that I disrespected Coppola. I didn't know I was obligated to respect him. He ain't my daddy, and if he were, I'd be pissed off that he spent my inheritance on THIS wretched, unredeemable hot mess. I despise the film criticism world's desire to give these old White dude directors a pass no matter how crappy their films are. I have no such desire. I could care less that he's 85 and spent his own money. At TIFF, all he did was WHINE like Trump about how he was a victim.
The one thing I'm grateful for after watching this film is that I now realize how misogynistic much of FFC's canon is--even the good movies. And maybe you can explain to me just what Cesar's Xanadu-style Glow city was supposed to accomplish. Rich dude Coppola is so out of touch with poor people that his proletariat bears no semblance to reality. That makes his "social statements" ring hollow.
I expect drag queens to start doing Wow Platinum imitations any day now.
Given that Megalopolis a monumental failure on every level, you criticisms struck me as temperate. Not a single sentiment seems out of pocket. God forbid a critic criticize art or the artist!
If any movie warrants criticism it's Megalopolis, and it's preposterous to think that Coppola is above reproach because he's made some excellent movies in the past. From my perspective, his successes make his failure all the more obvious, and I can't fathom how serious minded critics think otherwise.
Unfortunately, despite lengthy reflection in a subsequent piece on Megalopolis, I still have no idea what the fuck Caesar's "utopia" sought to achieve beyond its shimmering walkways that render walking obsolete. Maybe Megalopolis is best understood as a prequel to Pixar's WALL-E.
I think the only point of disagreement between you and I regards Aubrey Plaza, whom I adore. I wouldn't go so far as to call her performance good, nothing in the film is good, but I enjoyed her. She reminded me of Gina Gershon in Showgirls, the only person in the cast who seemed to understand that the movie they're in is a disaster. Maybe I'm blinded by my affinity for Plaza, and maybe that drag queen doing a Wow Platinum imitation might end up being me!
Fantastic review! I just saw the film and, sadly, have to agree with everything you said so well here. Funny and articulate as always.
Thank you, I look forward to chatting more in depth when I see you next! I was wondering if Megalopolis was a film your students were able to review this semester? I can only imagine the discussion that Megalopolis would inspire.
My extremely negative Boston Globe review has gotten some pushback from my film critic brethren, who say that I disrespected Coppola. I didn't know I was obligated to respect him. He ain't my daddy, and if he were, I'd be pissed off that he spent my inheritance on THIS wretched, unredeemable hot mess. I despise the film criticism world's desire to give these old White dude directors a pass no matter how crappy their films are. I have no such desire. I could care less that he's 85 and spent his own money. At TIFF, all he did was WHINE like Trump about how he was a victim.
The one thing I'm grateful for after watching this film is that I now realize how misogynistic much of FFC's canon is--even the good movies. And maybe you can explain to me just what Cesar's Xanadu-style Glow city was supposed to accomplish. Rich dude Coppola is so out of touch with poor people that his proletariat bears no semblance to reality. That makes his "social statements" ring hollow.
I expect drag queens to start doing Wow Platinum imitations any day now.
Given that Megalopolis a monumental failure on every level, you criticisms struck me as temperate. Not a single sentiment seems out of pocket. God forbid a critic criticize art or the artist!
If any movie warrants criticism it's Megalopolis, and it's preposterous to think that Coppola is above reproach because he's made some excellent movies in the past. From my perspective, his successes make his failure all the more obvious, and I can't fathom how serious minded critics think otherwise.
Unfortunately, despite lengthy reflection in a subsequent piece on Megalopolis, I still have no idea what the fuck Caesar's "utopia" sought to achieve beyond its shimmering walkways that render walking obsolete. Maybe Megalopolis is best understood as a prequel to Pixar's WALL-E.
I think the only point of disagreement between you and I regards Aubrey Plaza, whom I adore. I wouldn't go so far as to call her performance good, nothing in the film is good, but I enjoyed her. She reminded me of Gina Gershon in Showgirls, the only person in the cast who seemed to understand that the movie they're in is a disaster. Maybe I'm blinded by my affinity for Plaza, and maybe that drag queen doing a Wow Platinum imitation might end up being me!
But the guy made a walkway that takes you all the way through the park!! Come on!
That moving walkways *was* golden and shiny… perhaps I need to reconsider everything